Change the appearance and properties of plots using:

  1. the Plot Properties window, or
  2. by sending commands to the plot visualizer from your Arduino sketch.

Plot Properties Window

Use the Plot Properties button (Properties button) on any plot visualizer toolbar to open the plot properties window.

The properties available are similar for the different plot visualizers, differing only in the x-axis scale properties:

Edit plot properties

Time plot properties editor.

XY plot properties

XY plot properties editor.


The title is shown above the plot. It is visible only when Show is checked.

Use the SetTitle(…) method to change the plot title from your Arduino sketch.

Plot properties title section

Set the text shown above the plot, including color, font and visibility, in the title section of the plot properties dialog.

X-Axis Properties

The x-axis properties control the appearance and scale of the x, or horizontal, axis. Limits and tick spacing are set using date and time units for time plots and numeric values for x-y plots. In run-mode (tracking), set the duration visible on the x-axis for the time plot; MegunoLink calculates the limits automatically.

Time plot x-axis properties

Set the title, font and range or limits for the x-axis for the time plot visualizer.

XY plot x-axis properties

Set the title, font and range or limits for the x-axis for the XY-plot visualizer.


The x-axis title is shown below the plot. It can be hidden by un-checking the Show in the Plot Properties window.

Use the SetXLabel(…) method to change the x-axis title from your your Arduino sketch.

Scale Limits

The Minimum and Maximum values set the range of data displayed on the x-axis. When the Auto box is checked, the limits are calculated automatically to include all of the data available.

Use the SetXRange method to change the x-limits for XY-plots or time-plots from your Arduino sketch.

Tick Spacing

The Major Tick and Minor Tick values set the spacing between labelled and unlabeled ticks on the x-axis, respectively. Check the Auto box to calculate sensible values automatically.

Y-Axis Properties

The y-axis properties control the scale and appearance of the y, or vertical, axes. Two y-axes are available: one on the left of the plot and one on the right. Each axis can be visible or not and has an independent set of identical properties.

Y axis plot properties

Set the title, font, visibility and limits for the primary (left) and secondary (right) y-axes.

Show Axis

Controls whether the independent axis is visible or not.

Use SetYVisible and SetY2Visible to control the visibility of the left and right y-axes from your Arduino sketch.


Sets the title displayed next to the axes. No title is shown if Show Title is not checked.

Use SetYLabel(…) and SetY2Label(…) to set the title of the left and right axes from your Arduino sketch, respectively.

Scale Limits

The Minimum and Maximum values set the range of data displayed on the y-axis. When the Auto box is checked, the limits are calculated automatically to include all of the data available.

Use the SetYRange and SetY2Range methods to change the y-limits from your Arduino sketch.

Tick Spacing

The Major Tick and Minor Tick values set the spacing between labelled and unlabeled ticks on the axis, respectively. Check the Auto box to calculate sensible values automatically.

Background Fill

Sets the color painted behind the plot area. The background is set as an angled, two color gradient. To create a solid fill, set both colors to be the same.

Background fill
Set the gradient colors and angle used to paint the background of the plot area.

Maximum Number of Points

MegunoLink limits the maximum number of points in a series to prevent very large data-sets slowing your computer down.

By default, each series can contain up to 50,000 points. Old points are discarded to make way for new data when this limit is reached. This value can be increased to capture larger data sets or reduced to save memory and improve performance.

Plot configuration
Set the maximum number of points for each series to be retained for plotting.

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