Statistics for data in Time Plots and XY Plots are summarized in a table. To show/hide the summary table, select Show Summary Table from the summary table dropdown () on the plot visualizer toolbar. Select Copy summary data from the dropdown to copy the summary onto the system clipboard.

The table shows summary statistics for each series in the plot.
The summary table shows the following statistics for each data series in the plot:
- Points: the total number of data points in the series,
- Max Points: the maximum number of data points the series will hold before older data is discarded (see plot properties to set the maximum number of data points that are stored for each series),
- Points in Range: the number of data points used in calculating the statistics, which may be less than the total number of points when Limit summary to cursors is selected (see below),
- Minimum: the minimum data value in the series (or range between cursors),
- Maximum: the maximum data value in the series (or range between cursors),
- Average: the average value of all the data in the series (or range between cursors),
- Std: the standard deviation of the data in the series (or range between cursors),
- RMS: the root-mean-square value for the data in the series (or range between cursors), and
- Last: the last data value in the series (or cursor range).
These statistics are updated each time new data is received. By default, the statistics are calculated for all data points, but you can restrict the range of data included in the calculation with vertical cursors. To restrict the data range, create two cursors—one each for the start and end of the calculation range. Select the cursors that delimit the range from the summary table dropdown and check Limit summary to cursors.
Selecting a row in the summary table also selects the corresponding series. Use the checkbox to hide/show the corresponding series. The summary table’s context (right-click) menu lets you open the dialog box to edit series properties or delete the selected series.

Use the context menu to open the series properties editor or delete a series. Uncheck the box to hide a series from the plot.