Have you ever been late for a meeting and tripped on a micro USB cable, simultaneously loosing a critical data set and messing up your hair? No? Let’s keep it that way by sending Arduino [...]
Care to step with me a moment? For I have stepped upon a splendid stepper driver for the stepping connoisseur! In this project I’ve built a MegunoLink interface panel to move a linear stage [...]
IMPORTANT!!: We have now stopped supporting this build tool and are recommending Visual Micro, a plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio, as an alternative. The Visual Studio Build Tool, bundled with [...]
MegunoLink Pro’s Interface Panel visualiser lets you create custom user interfaces with elements like buttons, textboxes, number boxes, and many others. Each element can be used to [...]
MegunoLink Pro supports communication over Ethernet networks using the User Datagram or UDP protocol. UDP is a simple protocol which is supported by the Arduino Ethernet libraries and Arduino [...]
MegunoLink’s data logging tool can be used to save serial data sent by your Arduino to a text file. Matlab and FreeMat are helpful tools for further processing the stored data. This could [...]
4D Systems are an Australian company that make a range of intelligent displays. These displays include microcontrollers which can be programmed using a language called 4DGL to create graphical [...]
Putting your Arduino to sleep can save a lot of power, but makes it harder to respond to serial commands. The Arduino does not receive serial messages when it is asleep. So, even if the micro [...]